Tuesday, May 28th 2024

Conventions for Development with Claris FileMaker
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With FileMaker, as with any development process, consistent conventions are the foundation of good organization. These conventions play a crucial role in supporting collaboration among team members, simplifying the coding process, reducing cognitive load, and ensuring that your future self can easily understand and build upon your work.

Although we will not advocate for specific conventions or standards, John Howell of Data Experience will be demonstrating some well-established and widely accepted conventions. These examples will illustrate how adopting such practices can enhance the overall efficiency and maintainability of your projects.

The main takeaway is not about adhering to a particular set of rules but rather the importance of establishing and consistently applying conventions throughout all aspects of your work. By doing so, you create a structured environment that facilitates better communication, easier troubleshooting, and more streamlined development, ultimately leading to higher quality and more robust outcomes.

Join us to learn how implementing consistent conventions can transform your development process, making it more organized, efficient, and future-proof.

Presentation PowerPoint Show

Presentation PDF

FileMaker Demo File - Anchor by Number

Anchor-Buoy Relational Graph Management
Anchor-Buoy pdf

Anchor-Buoy ppsx